Tippecanoe Valley Middle School - Valley Leader"Ship"

The TVSC Mission: 

TVSC is committed to student success through the development of character, leadership, and literacy. 

This year, TVMS is providing an avenue for leadership development.  All members of the Eighth Grade TVMS Honor Society, under the direction of sponsor Michelle DeBaets, were invited to participate in a group called Viking Leader"Ship"  (Lead the Ship).  These eighth graders are doing mini-leadership lessons every other Friday with Mr. Backus and then they are going into sixth grade Advisory classes and being mentor for our sixth graders.  The mentorship involves running leadership lessons with the sixth graders, making positive connections with our sixth grade students, and role modeling what great leaders do.

The Viking Leader"Ship" group brought in a leadership quote that was meaningful for themselves.  We discussed what it meant and how it guided our actions.  They then took those quotes and ran an activity where they shared their own and challenged the sixth graders to discover one for themselves.  They were challenged to make a copy and hang it in their locker, on their agenda, on their phone, etc. and have it to look back and challenge themselves on days they need inspiration.

This is an awesome group of eighth grade leaders and they are working to grow their own leadership as well as challenge the younger students to develop great leadership traits and grow as leaders!